Packages and Resources for Data Viz




December 16, 2020


I have written several notes to myself over the years as reminders. These include ideas for research, R packages I have seen and may use sometime), things to-do, etc. I am in the process of making some of these notes more public on my blog. This will act as a more searchable, curated “note” for myself, but also makes it available to anyone else who would benefit.

These are resources I was compiling for use in our course, EPsy 1261: Understanding Data Stories through Visualization & Computing.

Online Books

General Resources (Blog Posts, Slides, etc.)


  • Coolors: Online palette generator and explorer. Can also display created alettes under many types of colorblindness.
  • Digital Story Templates: The Financial Times has created a set of six digital story templates to help its reporters and editors commission digital and visual stories.
  • NAPA Cards: Narrative Patterns for Data-Driven Storytelling.
  • Neatline: Neatline allows scholars, students, and curators to tell stories with maps, images and timelines.
  • RAW Graphs: RAW Graphs is an open source data visualization framework built with the goal of making the visual representation of complex data easy for everyone.
  • Scrollama: Scrollama is a modern and lightweight JavaScript library for scrollytelling.
  • TinEye: TinEye is a tool that can extract color palettes from an image. It also has image search capabilities.
  • The Vistorian. The Vistorian is an online platform that provides interactive visualization for various kinds of networks. It is a collaborative open-source research-project currently in the prototyping phase. It also allows you to import CSV files to visualize.
  • Who can use this?: A tool that brings attention and understanding to how color contrast can affect different people with visual impairments.


R Packages


  • brolgar: Package to browse over longitudinal data graphically and analytically in R, by providing tools to efficiently explore raw longitudinal data, calculate features (summaries) for individuals, and evaluate diagnostics of statistical models.
  • ggrough: Package to converts ggplot2 plots to rough/sketchy charts, using the javascript roughjs library.
  • vtree: Package for displaying nested subsets of a data frame.
  • waffle: Package to create waffleplots


  • paletteer: Comprehensive collection of palettes in R. Includes palettes from many, many different R packages.
  • dutchmasters: Collection of color palettes based on paintings by the Dutch masters Johannes Vermeer and Rembrandt van Rijn.
  • harrypotter: Collection of palettes based on the Harry Potter film series.
  • NineteenEightyR: Collection of color palettes based on the 80s.
  • tvthemes: Collection of various ggplot2 themes and color/fill palettes based on everybody’s favorite TV shows.
  • wesanderson: Collection of color palettes based on Was Anderson movies.

Color Blindness

  • colorblindr: Simulate colorblindness in production-ready R figures.

Data for Viz

  • R4DS online learning community: A GitHub organization for the R4DS online learning community.
  • Tidy Tuesday: Real-world data that can be used for wrangling and visualization.
  • The Stanford Open Policing Project: Standardized police stop data are available to download (by location). The data are provided in both CSV and RDS formats. In addition, shapefiles are available for select locations.
